Choose from 21-day / 7-week series unraveling, healing, and balancing your energy body, Chakra-by-Chakra, from root to crown.
Condensed* 21-day
3 days per Chakra
8 x 1hr Virtual Classes transitioning between each Chakra
Information packet on each Chakra
Intense* 7-week
1 week per Chakra
2 x 1hr Virtual Classes each week/per Chakra (14 total)
Mid-week check-in (7 total)
*Classes include chakra focus through Yoga, meditation, pranayama, mantras, mudras, journaling, and much more.
Experiencing emotional insecurities about basic well-being, anxiety even leading to panic attacks, depression with inability to take action?
Experiencing a sense of lack of control, uncertainty, inability to cope with change, attraction to addiction, fear of pleasure, lack of desire or creativity, insecurity, detachment?
Experiencing the need to control everything and everyone, helplessness, low self-esteem, weak will, victim mentality, or unreliability?
Experiencing detachment, difficulty forgiving, numb to love, fear of betrayal, jealousy, and hatred toward self/others, etc?
Experiencing issues with trusting ourselves/others, communication breaking down, negative self-talk, gossip or insensitivity, social anxiety, timidity, or introversion?
Experiencing moodiness, add/adhd, lack of purpose, indecisiveness, memory issues, dissociation, or nightmares/insomnia?
Experiencing pessimism, spiritual malaise, isolation, loneliness, inability to connect or maintain goals, lack of direction, and sense of separation?
Our Foundation Center
“I am Grounded”
The Root Chakra is located at the base of the spine, or tailbone, and is related with the color red, which has a denser vibration. The experiences here are within the range of safety and fear, or our basic survival needs.
When balanced, the energy here exhibits a strong physical connection with earth, a solid foundation. Basic needs of food, safety, shelter are met, leaving feelings of security, comfort, and belonging. When this energy is flowing, a strong connection with family friends is established that actually make you feel wanted and loved. This is because of contentment with self and body image. This extends to confidence and contentment with money, as well.
If a client is exhibiting physical digestive, colon, prostate or bladder issues, lower back problems, inflammation, sluggishness, body aches, or emotional insecurities about basic well-being, anxiety even leading to panic attacks, depression with inability to take action then chances are a Root Chakra imbalance is being experienced.
In between Reiki treatments, it is especially wise to continue to nurture the particular chakras that held energetic blocks, which can be done through many methods. Actually, there are methods we can use via each of the human senses, because our senses simply act as our energy body’s receptors for consciousness to experience itself.
Becoming a member allows you access to review all of the methods of clearing and of healing of the Root Chakra through:
* Hearing
* Vision
* Smell
* Taste
* Touch
Most importantly, for a deeper understanding of inner self, I highly suggest shadow work. This may be done through journaling, venting, or therapy.
Members are given exclusive access to dig deep with Journaling Questions that are meant to specifically stir things that are held in the Root Chakra, blocking the body's natural, healing flow of energy.
Our Pleasure Center
”I am Worthy”
The Sacral Chakra is located just above the Root Chakra in the lower belly nearest the reproductive organs and is associated with the color orange, which carries a slightly higher vibration up the scale than the Root Chakra. The experiences here lie within the range of joy and shame and are responsible for creation as well as creativity.
When the Sacral Chakra is balanced, we exhibit freedom in sexual expression without guilt. We form healthy relationships and are able to genuinely experience pleasure, creativity, and joy. When this energy is flowing, we experience a healthy sense of sexual power, and we create unions with those who honor us. We radiate creativity in all endeavors.
If a client is experiencing a sense of lack of control, uncertainty, inability to cope with change, attraction to addiction, fear of pleasure, lack of desire or creativity, insecurity, detachment you may not be surprised to find your hands guided towards blocks in the area by the Sacral Chakra.
In between Reiki treatments, it is especially wise to continue to nurture the chakras that held energetic blocks, which can be done through many methods. Actually, there are methods we can use through each human sense, because our senses simply act as our energy body’s receptors for consciousness to experience itself.
Becoming a member allows you access to review all of the methods of clearing and of healing of the Sacral Chakra through:
* Hearing
* Vision
* Smell
* Taste
* Touch
Most importantly, for a deeper understanding of inner self, I highly suggest shadow work. This may be done through journaling, venting, or therapy.
Members are given exclusive access to dig deep with Journaling Questions that are meant to specifically stir things that are held in the Sacral Chakra, blocking the body's natural, healing flow of energy.
Our Power Center
”I am Enough“
The Solar Plexus Chakra is located at our center (our hara), at our umbilical cord; it is associated with the color yellow, which has the most active energy stamp of our lower chakras. The experiences that lie here are within the range of confidence and self-doubt (or arrogance) and are responsible for our status and power.
When the Solar Plexus Chakra is balanced, we exhibit personal power. We have a strong relationship with ourselves and a connection with self-esteem and self-worth. This gives a sense of freedom from shame (a sacral condition). When flowing properly, we display our use of power in healthy ways, we admire and emanate toward influential powerful people without the need for validation. A balanced center allows us to trust ourselves and our inner guide.
If a client is physically experiencing nausea, diarrhea, bloating, or gastric issues, and emotionally experiencing the need to control everything and everyone, helplessness, low self-esteem, weak will, victim mentality, or unreliability you may not be surprised to find your hands guided towards blocks in the stomach, belly, diaphragm, and the general central area by the Solar Plexus Chakra.
In between Reiki treatments, it is especially wise to continue to nurture the chakras that held energetic blocks, which can be done through many methods. Actually, there are methods we can use through each human sense, because our senses simply act as our energy body’s receptors for consciousness to experience itself.
Becoming a member allows you access to review all of the methods of clearing and of healing of the Solar Plexus Chakra through:
* Hearing
* Vision
* Smell
* Taste
* Touch
Most importantly, for a deeper understanding of inner self, I highly suggest shadow work. This may be done through journaling, venting, or therapy.
Members are given exclusive access to dig deep with Journaling Questions that are meant to specifically stir things that are held in the Solar Plexus Chakra, blocking the body's natural, healing flow of energy.
Our Compassion Center
”I am Loved”
The Heart Chakra is located in the chest and is associated with the color green. It is the first energy stepping out of the lower chakras and has 1.5 times the increase in vibration than the lower chakras. The experiences that lie here are within the range of compassion and grief, and it is responsible for love.
When the Heart Chakra is balanced, we exhibit love and spirituality, fully, with compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. We find comfort in relationships, giving and receiving love easily. We hold a genuine gratitude, because we have cultivated a love for ourselves and others without pity.
If a client is physically experiencing high blood pressure, heart/lung issues, or breathing/circulation issues, and emotionally experiencing detachment, difficulty forgiving, numb to love, fear of betrayal, jealousy, and hatred toward self/others, etc. you may not be surprised to find your hands guided towards blocks in mid back, chest, and shoulder area by the Heart Chakra.
In between Reiki treatments, it is especially wise to continue to nurture the chakras that held energetic blocks, which can be done through many methods. Actually, there are methods we can use through each human sense, because our senses simply act as our energy body’s receptors for consciousness to experience itself.
Becoming a member allows you access to review all of the methods of clearing and of healing of the Heart Chakra through:
* Hearing
* Vision
* Smell
* Taste
* Touch
Most importantly, for a deeper understanding of inner self, I highly suggest shadow work. This may be done through journaling, venting, or therapy.
Members are given exclusive access to dig deep with Journaling Questions that are meant to specifically stir things that are held in the Heart Chakra, blocking the body's natural, healing flow of energy.
Our Communication Center
”I am Truth“
The Throat Chakra is located in the neck region and is associated with the color blue. It has a higher vibration of love that yearns for an expression thereof. The experiences that lie here range between self-expression and distrust, and it is responsible for communication.
When the Throat Chakra is balanced, we exhibit a creative sense of communication. Feeling compelled and welcomed to share our voice. When speaking our truths, we are fueled from our center of willpower, so people listen when we talk, leaving us feeling heard and received.
If a client is physically experiencing thyroid imbalance, sore throat, or hearing difficulties, tight jaw, stiff neck, and emotionally experiencing issues with trusting ourselves/others, communication breaking down, negative self-talk, gossip or insensitivity, social anxiety, timidity, or introversion you may not be surprised to find your hands guided towards blocks in the neck, jaw, shoulders, and thyroid area by the Throat Chakra.
In between Reiki treatments, it is especially wise to continue to nurture the chakras that held energetic blocks, which can be done through many methods. Actually, there are methods we can use through each human sense, because our senses simply act as our energy body’s receptors for consciousness to experience itself.
Becoming a member allows you access to review all of the methods of clearing and of healing of the Throat Chakra through:
* Hearing
* Vision
* Smell
* Taste
* Touch
Most importantly, for a deeper understanding of inner self, I highly suggest shadow work. This may be done through journaling, venting, or therapy.
Members are given exclusive access to dig deep with Journaling Questions that are meant to specifically stir things that are held in the Throat Chakra, blocking the body's natural, healing flow of energy.
Our Wisdom Center
“I am Aware”
The Third Eye Chakra sits behind the forehead and between the ears. It is associated with the color indigo (sometimes purple) and has one of the highest vibrations contained within the human frequencies. The experiences that lie here range between wisdom and delusion, and it is responsible for our intuition and psychic vision.
When the Third Eye Chakra is balanced, we exhibit a sense of purpose, and we feel and act confidently. We confide strongly in our intuition, following our guides. This is the pretense of all psychic ability and allows for clear self-reflection, discernment, and visualization skill.
If a client is physically experiencing dizziness, headaches, eyestrain/blurred vision, nasal/sinus issues, seizures, and emotionally experiencing moodiness, add/adhd, lack of purpose, indecisiveness, memory issues, dissociation, or nightmares/insomnia, you may not be surprised to find your hands guided towards blocks in the forehead, jaw, ears, nasal, or back of the skull area by the Third Eye Chakra.
In between Reiki treatments, it is especially wise to continue to nurture the chakras that held energetic blocks, which can be done through many methods. Actually, there are methods we can use through each human sense, because our senses simply act as our energy body’s receptors for consciousness to experience itself.
Becoming a member allows you access to review all of the methods of clearing and of healing of the Third Eye Chakra through:
* Hearing
* Vision
* Smell
* Taste
* Touch
Most importantly, for a deeper understanding of inner self, I highly suggest shadow work. This may be done through journaling, venting, or therapy.
Members are given exclusive access to dig deep with Journaling Questions that are meant to specifically stir things that are held in the Third Eye Chakra, blocking the body's natural, healing flow of energy.
Our Spiritual Center
”I am Oneness”
The Crown Chakra sits just atop of the head and contains the highest vibration of oneness and radiates the color violet. (Recall references to the violet flame and the oneness vibration connection all physical and spiritual.) The experiences that lie here range between being open-minded and being judgmental, and it is responsible for the awareness of interconnection.
When the Crown Chakra is balanced, we exhibit pure true and confident wisdom, certain intelligence, and balanced analytical skill. We are fully one with our physical and spiritual connection, which allows us the open mindedness to accept unity at its truest. When flowing, we manifest with a solution mindset. We have a whole-viewpoint which is the exact oneness we reference throughout this manual!
If a client is physically experiencing poor coordination, chronic tension, headaches, or exhaustion, and emotionally experiencing pessimism, spiritual malaise, isolation, loneliness, inability to connect or maintain goals, lack of direction, and sense of separation, you may not be surprised to find your hands guided towards blocks in the top or the back of the head area by the Crown Chakra.
In between Reiki treatments, it is especially wise to continue to nurture the chakras that held energetic blocks, which can be done through many methods. Actually, there are methods we can use through each human sense, because our senses simply act as our energy body’s receptors for consciousness to experience itself.
Becoming a member allows you access to review all of the methods of clearing and of healing of the Crown Chakra through:
* Hearing
* Vision
* Smell
* Taste
* Touch
Most importantly, for a deeper understanding of inner self, I highly suggest shadow work. This may be done through journaling, venting, or therapy.
Members are given exclusive access to dig deep with Journaling Questions that are meant to specifically stir things that are held in the Crown Chakra, blocking the body's natural, healing flow of energy.
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